

Making, Crafting & DIY


ProFolio Entourage Tote Bags

ProFolio Entourage Tote Bags

These ProFolio Entourage Tote Bags are the ideal carrying case for markers, brushes, paint tubes, spray cans, photo accessories and any other supplies. Made of durable gray nylon with navy accents and reinforced handles, they are extremely sturdy yet super light-weight. Their smooth nylon interior is easy to clean; simply wipe away liquids with a wet paper towel. Bags fold flat for storage and have many external pockets for quick access. Available in two sizes, the small-sized bag has 10 pockets and the large-sized bag has 12 pockets.

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small - gray/navy
ProFolio Entourage Tote Bags,
Small - Gray/Navy
large - gray/navy
ProFolio Entourage Tote Bags,
Large - Gray/Navy
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