



High Flow Acrylic Sets

High Flow Acrylic Sets

These acrylic paints have an ink-like consistency that lends itself to a wide range of techniques. From fine line detail work to broad strokes, these acrylics are suitable for many different applications including calligraphy, mixed media, airbrush, refillable markers, technical pens and brushes. Designed for artists who want to achieve fine line detail, standing effects and level colors.

These acrylic paints have an ink-like consistency that lends them to a wide range of techniques. From fine line detail work to broad strokes, these acrylics are suitable for many different applications including calligraphy, mixed media, airbrush, refillable markers, technical pens and brushes. Designed for artists who want to achieve fine line detail, standing effects and level colors.

The 6-Color High Flow Intro Set contains six colors in 1 fl. oz./30ml bottles. It includes benzimidazolone yellow medium, naphthol red light, ultramarine blue, permanent green light, carbon black and titanium white. The Intro Sets balanced selection of colors provide an excellent starting point for artists looking to explore the working properties unique to each acrylic color line.
The 10-Color High Flow Mixing Set contains ten colors in 1 fl. oz./30ml bottles. It includes benzimidazolone yellow light, benzimidazolone yellow medium, naphthol red light, quinacridone magenta, phthalo blue (red shade), phthalo blue (green shade), phthalo green (blue shade), phthalo green (yellow shade), carbon black and titanium white. Mixing is easy with the intuitive split primary method of the Color Mixing Sets. A warm and cool choice of each primary color in addition to other key colors allows the artist to mix an extensive range of colors.
The 6-Color High Flow Drawing & Lettering Set contains six colors in 1 fl. oz./30ml bottles. It includes indigo (anthraquinone), sepia, N5 neutral gray, carbon black, iridescent bright gold (fine) and iridescent silver (fine). The High Flow Drawing & Lettering Set is a selection of ink-like acrylic colors useful for drawing and lettering with pump markers, dip pens or brushes.
The 6-Color High Flow Airbrush Set contains six colors in 1 fl. oz./30ml bottles. It includes transparent benzimidazolone yellow medium, transparent quinacridone red, transparent phthalo blue (green shade), transparent dioxazine purple, transparent phthalo green (blue shade) and transparent shading gray. The High Flow Airbrush Set is a selection of transparent colors excellent for smooth gradations, highlights, and control in building color intensity.

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6-color high flow intro set
High Flow Acrylic Sets,
6-Color High Flow Intro Set
10-color high flow mixing set
High Flow Acrylic Sets,
10-Color High Flow Mixing Set
6-color high flow drawing & lettering set
High Flow Acrylic Sets,
6-Color High Flow Drawing & Lettering Set
6-color high flow airbrush set
High Flow Acrylic Sets,
6-Color High Flow Airbrush Set
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