



Silly Scents SmashUps Washable Markers

Silly Scents SmashUps Washable Markers

These Silly Scent SmashUp Markers are washable from skin and most clothing, making them great for school supplies and coloring on the go. Recommended for ages 3 and up.

The Fine Line Set includes ten fine-tip markers with sweet-smelling scents: red velvet cake, raspberry macaron, strawberry shortcake, upside-down cake, mint chocolate chip, key lime pie, berry smoothie, fluffernutter, caramel macchiato, and s'amore.
The Broad Line Set includes ten broad-tip markers with sweet-smelling scents including orange dreamsicle, bananas foster, lemon bar, key lime pie, mint chocolate chip, berry smoothie, pb&j sandwich, red velvet cake, raspberry macaron and coconut cluster.

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10-color broad line set
Silly Scents SmashUps Washable Markers,
10-Color Broad Line Set
10-color fine line set
Silly Scents SmashUps Washable Markers,
10-Color Fine Line Set
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