



Monet Pro 24" Wide 18-SKU Skyscraper Assortment Display - 456C

Monet Pro 24" Wide 18-SKU Skyscraper Assortment Display - 456C

This stretched canvas assortment features thirteen sizes (from 8" x 8" to 36" x 36") of the 7 oz. acrylic-primed cotton Monterey surface in the Monet Pro profile, as well as five sizes (from 21" x 34" to 48" x 78") of the hefty 12 oz. Sausalito surface in the Monet Pro profile for a total of 54 pieces. Custom built, double-sided, solid-wood display included. GR items denote sizes based on the Golden Mean, considered by some to be the most pleasing rectangular shape to the human eye. Turner, Seurat, Rembrandt, Michelangelo, Da Vinci and countless other famous artists have historically used this proportion in their compositions. Order item # MA456A and MA456B for the complete assortment.
Dimensions: 24"w x 37"d x 144"h
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monet pro 24" wide 18-sku skyscraper assortment display
Monet Pro 24" Wide 18-SKU Skyscraper Assortment Display - 456C,
Monet Pro 24" Wide 18-SKU Skyscraper Assortment Display
Line Description Item # Qty in
1 CNVS MONET MNTRY 7OZ 10X20 MA43027 3 $0.00
2 CNVS MONET MNTRY 7OZ 20X24 MA43051 3 $0.00
3 CNVS MONET MNTRY 7OZ 22X28 MA43053 3 $0.00
4 CNVS MONET MNTRY 7OZ 24X24 MA43055 3 $0.00
5 CNVS MONET MNTRY 7OZ 36X36 MA43067 3 $0.00
6 CNVS MONET MNTRY 7OZ 8X8 MA43017 3 $0.00
7 CNVS MONET MNTRY 7OZ GR 10X16 MA43085 3 $0.00
8 CNVS MONET MNTRY 7OZ GR 12X19 MA43086 3 $0.00
9 CNVS MONET MNTRY 7OZ GR 13X21 MA43087 3 $0.00
10 CNVS MONET MNTRY 7OZ GR 15X24 MA43088 3 $0.00
11 CNVS MONET MNTRY 7OZ GR 18X29 MA43089 3 $0.00
12 CNVS MONET MNTRY 7OZ GR 7X11 MA43083 3 $0.00
13 CNVS MONET MNTRY 7OZ GR 8X13 MA43084 3 $0.00
14 CNVS MONET SAUS 12OZ 22X30 MA43854 3 $0.00
15 CNVS MONET SAUS 12OZ 24X48 MA43859 3 $0.00
16 CNVS MONET SAUS 12OZ 36X72 MA43871 3 $0.00
17 CNVS MONET SAUS 12OZ 48X72 MA43878 3 $0.00
18 CNVS MONET SAUS 12OZ GR 21X34 MA43891 3 $0.00
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