



Hydrus Fine Art Watercolor Sets

Hydrus Fine Art Watercolor Sets

These 12-color sets feature brilliant, lightfast, non-toxic, archival and AP approved liquid watercolors in dropper bottles. The dropper bottle allows for repeatedly mixing exact color shades by mixing the same number of drops each time. In addition to watercolor these colors are great for calligraphy dip pens, technical pens and airbrush. Available in three collections of 12 colors in either .5 oz. or 1 oz. bottles. Sets 1 include hansa yellow light, gamboge, brilliant cadmium red, deep red rose, quinacridone magenta, phthalo green, phthalo blue, ultramarine, cobalt violet, Venetian brown, carbon black and titanium white. Sets 2 contain hansa deep yellow, yellow ochre, permanent red, cobalt blue, Indian red, viridian green, burnt sienna, alizarin crimson, sepia, Payne's gray, sap green and burnt umber. Sets 3 include blue aqua, carmine, chrome yellow, crimson lake, hansa yellow medium, quinacridone violet, raw sienna, raw umber, red oxide, turquoise blue, ultramarine red violet and vermilion hue.

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12-color 1 oz. set 1
Hydrus Fine Art Watercolor Sets,
12-Color 1 oz. Set 1
12-color .5 oz. set 1
Hydrus Fine Art Watercolor Sets,
12-Color .5 oz. Set 1
12-color .5 oz. set 2
Hydrus Fine Art Watercolor Sets,
12-Color .5 oz. Set 2
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