



Albrecht Durer Watercolor Marker Sets

Albrecht Durer Watercolor Marker Sets

These watercolor markers contain water-based ink with high pigmentation and lightfastness. They feature two nibs, a brush nib and a fiber-tip to offer flexibility. The ink lends drawings and preliminary sketches a high dynamic that is intensified through painting with water. They are ideal for sketching, drawing and painting in watercolors.

The 5-Color Wallet Set includes dark chrome yellow, pale geranium lake, pthalo blue, dark pthalo green and black.
The 10-Color Wallet Set includes the 5-Color Wallet Set colors plus orange glaze, middle purple pink, ultramarine, May green and sepia.
The 20-Color Wallet Set includes the 10-Color Wallet Set colors plus cadmium yellow, scarlet red, pink carmine, purple violet, cobalt turquoise, leaf green, green gold, Indian red, warm gray IV and cold gray VI.
The 30-Color Wallet Set includes the 20-Color Wallet Set colors plus beige red, deep scarlet red, indanthrene blue, cobalt green, permanent green olive, earth green, sanguine, warm gray III, cold gray IV and dark indigo.

Please note that specific items on this product page are part of Faber-Castell's "Selective Distribution Agreement" program. Please contact your Mac Account Manager if you wish to participate in the vendor's program for those items.

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5-color wallet set
Albrecht Durer Watercolor Marker Sets,
5-Color Wallet Set
10-color wallet set
Albrecht Durer Watercolor Marker Sets,
10-Color Wallet Set
20-color wallet set
Albrecht Durer Watercolor Marker Sets,
20-Color Wallet Set
30-color wallet set - available only by faber-castell selective distribution agreement
Albrecht Durer Watercolor Marker Sets,
30-Color Wallet Set - Available Only by Faber-Castell Selective Distribution Agreement
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